Sunday, March 28, 2021

Island Times 007

I posted a new Island Times yesterday. To prepare this video I spent most of the prior week trying out a host of new video techniques, some of which didn't actually make it into this particular post. I had way more content than would fit in a 10 minute video.  Quite a lot to learn about making quality video content to come up with a watchable post. I will make use if the unused content next week....maybe.

Birds and Bikes. I recently purchased a GoPro mount for my bicycle. I had heard about how shaky video was, riding with a camera mounted to the bike frame or handle bars. Most YouTubers recommended using a body or helmet mount. Not something I was interested in using on a small island populated by "noticers". I did place my mount on the wrapped portion of the handle bars in hopes that the wrap would cushion some of the vibrations. I was pretty pleased, for the most part, with how stable the footage turned out. All of what is in IT 007 is not stabilized. I also learned how to do some "speed ramping" in Final Cut, changing the speed of the playback. Quite a powerful tool.

I also put the GoPro into my bird feeder and filmed at 2.7K @ 60fps. Settings I wished I had used on my bike ride. At 60 fps your ability to apply slow motion FX achieves much better results. I got some interesting shots from the feeder and was able to find out which bird was the neighborhood bully. Enjoy!

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Island Times 006

 Another Island Times story is posted. Can't believe that I have stayed with this for 6 weeks. It has been quite a creative outlet for surviving the COVID sheltering. I am starting to become better at finding my way around the editing software and becoming much more experienced in understanding the capabilities of my different cameras. 

Weather on the island has started to improve so I have taken several opportunities to take a sketch pad out and about with me. That has been fun to take some small steps towards falling back in love with painting. Trying to make sketching a part of my every day schedule exercising mind and muscle memory. 

Today, the first day of spring, is a top ten weather day with temps in the 50's and plenty of bight sunshine and most importantly, no wind. This past week it was more like winter than spring with high winds, cold grey skies and snow squalls. Any way enjoy this weeks story.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

A Memorial

 I did post an "Island Times Story 005" this past Saturday. Not your usual video log about the island. But a memorial to my wife in the form a slide show of my soulmate who shared her life and introduced me to the island that she loved so much.

Monday, March 8, 2021

Island Times 004 is Up


The past video log was a difficult video to create. I received the return box from Apple for my old computer and sent my iMac back expecting that I would have to create this video on my MacBook pro which only has a 13" screen. A challenging thing to do on such a small screen. But, while backing up the iMac, I transferred all of the files I would need to the MacBook and started the editing process. Lo and behold the new computer arrived unexpectedly a day early. So I hurriedly set it up, transferred the files back to the new computer and then remembered that I had to reinstall all of the software I would need in order to edit the clips. Also, the new iMac came with a two generation old operating system on it....Thanks Apple. So I had to wait seemingly forever to bring the OS current. Whew. But in the end things got back to something more normal and I was apple to cut something together. While waiting for the OS to upgrade, I did some digital sketching and was able to to create a new little intro animation. Hope you enjoy.