Friday, July 6, 2018

Slow To Get Back

Slow to get back into my studio since the sudden passing of my wife in March. She was champion and head critic of my artwork, always there to keep me on task. She found and made time in our schedules for me to paint and print by selflessly taking on much of our mundane daily/weekly household chores herself. Her friendly outgoing personality complimented my severe lack thereof, always having new ideas on venues and outlets for my art. She handled the business of my art in the background. I will tell you that I find that the business of art blows. If I have to focus on the business of art, I am not painting, and my wife realized that if making art became a job for me our house would just fill up with my art. She always felt there was value in my works as affordable art. So, she took on the job so it didn't have to become my job.

Since her passing, I have had a hard time finding joy in creativity. Only recently have I felt her gentle force nudging me back into my studio. I am starting to see renewed inspiration from spending time on Peaks Island, especially in the places on the island we liked to go. I have been able to: finish a couple of paintings that were started before her illness, complete a new small painting and start, for me, a very large painting (30" x 40"). The latter I hope to post progress photos of.

She gave me the gift of the philosophy that "everything I make is for sale. If it doesn't sell it always makes a great gift." So if you see anything on my website that moves you, or if you have a reference photo and would like to commission piece, you can get a hold of me through the Richard Boyd Art Gallery or through contact information available on my website.