Monday, November 27, 2023


I was so disappointed by that last roll of film so I went for a long walk yesterday and shot another roll of my old standby Ilford HP5. Tried some different metering techniques with the app on my phone, using both incident and reflective light readings. When I got back I developed the roll. After dinner, when the negatives were dry I scanned them. The metering app is ok but not sure that it is the solution. I will probably have to invest in a proper meter. Going to try a roll today with an analog meter made by Sekonic and see if that works any better.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Another from the Roll

Finding a few marginally better photos from a roll of FOMAPAN Creative 200, medium format film that I shot. In researching this on line, I think the time I used to develop the film was possible. The developer was probably much cooler than the 72 degrees than I estimated. It was more like 68 degrees or cooler which would have extend the developing time by 1min 45sec. So I will work on  making sure that I consider the temperature of the developer a little more accurately. Also reading the spec. on the fill I probably should have rinsed it a little longer. Live and learn. 

Here's today's post-

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Roll of film trashed

That's right.... I loaded a perfectly good roll of film into my lab-box to develop it and lost the whole thing. I forgot to open the film chamber of the lab-box. So when I stripped the backing paper off of the film, none of the film went into the light tight chamber. The complete roll of film was exposed to light when I opened the box to attached the film lead to the take up reel. So bummed to see all of the film come popping out like a jack in the box when I opened the lid. Disappointed also because there were what I hoped would be some very good photos. 

With everything all set up to develop film and nothing to develop, I put a new roll of film into the camera (Yashica Mat 124) and headed down to the beach and hurriedly shot the roll. I developed that properly this time. You can see the results in today's Instagram post. Spoiler alert.. disappointed in that too!

Friday, November 24, 2023

Took Turkey Day Off

As the title of this post implies I took Thanksgiving day to kind of chill from being a creative and other than posting on IG, I spent the day watching the parade and then a couple of movies. There were also calls with family and an afternoon of cooking the holiday dinner. I like to cook and don't often take the time to do it anymore. So it was fun to get back into it. Here is yesterday's IG post, and following that, today's post as well. Focusing still on salvaging bad color photos by turning them into black and white photos.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Missed Posting Yesterday

Was off the island yesterday and that got me all twisted around in my usual daily routine. I got a lot of chores done, though, as well as grabbing a huge load of groceries. Lots of foodstuffs not available at the market on the island. 

Still trying more experiments with black and white photography. Yesterday's post would have again been about how black and white photography saved another otherwise useless, normal touristy kind of color photo. Here is the post:

Here is what the color photo looked like:

Taken down by Damillos Restaurant

Here is today's IG post before I forget.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Playing With Filters

When possible, I try to use all the photos I take in some form or other. In instances when I get images that just don't turn out the way that I had imagined they would, I experiment on them with different filter packs I have come to like. Filters that I have been experimenting with come in the form of iOS apps created by MocaDeco They make apps that include filter packs called Pastelgraf, Retrograph, Neongraf, Infragraf, and Antiqgraf. I purchased all their filter apps but have been particularly drawn to Antiqgraph and Pastelgraf. In today's post I used the latter which has various filters that treat the image with a pastel vibe. It much improved a photo that otherwise would have been deleted. I will probably still delete the photo from my roll, but it is fun to be creative and experiment to try and get the Hail Mary save on a bad photo.

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Perfect Example

Here is a perfect example of what I had to go through to post a panorama on IG. Because Instagram is set up to use a 4:5 or square format in its posts, I had to use Unfold for iOS to format my post in such a way that people could appreciate the beauty of the photos used in the panorama. The images were created by my drone which was flying at an altitude of about 350' and at sunrise. 

I used a feature of the drone camera that allows you to take a panorama of 9 photos. It does this automatically by rotating the camera on its gimbal, take 3 rows of 3 photos/row. It then stitches the photos together while processing the image. Individual images of the panorama are also stored separately on its sd card. I took two of these panoramas and stitched those together into an 18 photo panorama using this software for MacOS.

Here is the post on IG:

Here area the component photos:

Left side 9 photo

Right side 9 photo

Composite panorama