Monday, March 8, 2021

Island Times 004 is Up


The past video log was a difficult video to create. I received the return box from Apple for my old computer and sent my iMac back expecting that I would have to create this video on my MacBook pro which only has a 13" screen. A challenging thing to do on such a small screen. But, while backing up the iMac, I transferred all of the files I would need to the MacBook and started the editing process. Lo and behold the new computer arrived unexpectedly a day early. So I hurriedly set it up, transferred the files back to the new computer and then remembered that I had to reinstall all of the software I would need in order to edit the clips. Also, the new iMac came with a two generation old operating system on it....Thanks Apple. So I had to wait seemingly forever to bring the OS current. Whew. But in the end things got back to something more normal and I was apple to cut something together. While waiting for the OS to upgrade, I did some digital sketching and was able to to create a new little intro animation. Hope you enjoy.