Monday, February 5, 2018

Exhibiting At Kingswood Regional High School Library

I am pleased to anounce that I will be exhibiting six paintings at the Kingswood Regional Highschool Library in Wolfeboro, NH. I am not sure how long the exhibit will run as discussion in this regard has been kind of casual and still evolving. My wife who teaches in the Middle School, which also uses the library, made the connection for me. Towards the end of January, she approached the librarian and asked if some of my works would be a good fit for the space they were trying to fill. The librarian was intrigued by my connection to a teacher at the school and thought it would be neat  they could learn something new about my wife; being married to an artist.

I had my wife take a few photos of the place so I could get an idea of how I would present my work. Because the library is a part of a new facility upgrade, and the fact that the ceilings are so high it was my thought that they would be reluctant in having me drill into the new block walls to place hooks so that I could hang the paintings. I decided instead to obtain small inexpensive table top display easels, sized appropriately for the corresponding paintings. In addition to the display easels for the paintings I also was able to purchase small easels to support an artist bio card and painting information cards. The paintings and the cards will in turn be displayed on the tops of the book cases. The larger easels were obtained from Dick Blick and the smaller from Amazon.

The six paintings in this exhibit are all acrylic paintings and includes three figurative and three landscapes. The three landscape paintings are are local and part of a ‘drive by’ series I did; “Driving by Cornish, ME”, “Driving By Repair” and “Driving By The Corner.” The three figurative paintings on exhibit include; “Self Portrait 2018,” “Michael And Riley,” “Mr. Mojo Risin.” The latter was on of a series of fan art that I did as a triptych that include a pointing of Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, and Janis Joplin. With the exception of “Mr. Mojo Risin” the paintings on exhibit are done with a grey scale pallet. The painting of Jim Morrison is done with a limited infrared pallet.

"Driving By Cornish, ME"
"Driving By The Corner
"Driving By Repair"
"Self Portrait, 2018"
"Michael And Riley"
"Mr. Mojo Risin"