It was, what seemed like, a very long week. There were several beautiful spring days, like today, and several cold cloudy days that remind you very quickly that there might be some winter left. I spent a good portion of the week in my studio working on, and finishing the third in a series of four portraits. These are conventional paintings that I am creating from portraits that I painted digitally in an app called Painter. The first two that I have completed were fairly simple in composition and detail and were rendered on 6x8inch canvas panels in acrylic. The third, because of the detail, was rendered in acrylic on an 11x14inch canvas panel; as will be the fourth that I hope to get started on today. Pictures will be posted when all in the series have been completed because I would like them to be viewed in a grouping.
In the mean time, I continue to get out for a walk each day and am truly astonished by the inspiration I am able to draw from the energy of life on an island off the coast of Maine.
A few photos... |
taken on my walk... |
earlier today. |