Sunday, February 21, 2021

A New Start

Have been spending much of my time during COVID learning about the camera gear that I have acquired since my last post. That has also necessitated learning how to use many new software applications. So I got this idea to do a weekly video log of sorts creating content to post on YouTube. Not for caring about the whole social aspect of the platform I have tried to focus just on using my gear and using the software to generate content. Hope, in the process that I am creating something others enjoy. 

I have entitled these posts Island Times Stories. Developed weekly and about living on an island off the coast of Maine, I have managed to produce two so far. Keeping my expectations low, but it has provided something creative to do during the pandemic. Here are the first to links for viewing.Also by way of studio news, I have started a new acrylic portrait. Progress is visible in Story 002.

Story 001

Story 002