- Left the campground at about 730 to move on in lowering skies and drizzle.
- At the 11 mile mark on the forest service road where there was 1 bar of service I stopped briefly to let the boys know I was headed to the next campground and that I wouldn’t have any meaningful service again for 30-40 miles.
- Headed south on Route 53 headed for MN 73 south. About an hour into my trip I came to Chisholm, MN.
- I was looking for a diner that might be open because the oatmeal I had for breakfast just wasn’t cutting it.
- None to be had. Lots of them around but all shuttered because of Covid I presume. Big signs on their front lawns said "COVID Sucks" and "Closed"
- At I was leaving the town I saw the Golden Arches and stopped for a "#1" meal and a small coffee. The good ole egg McMuffin.
- Sign at the drive up said that because of the storm that had rolled through yesterday internet was down and they could only take cash.
- At the pay window the nice young lady told me that it was a large hail storm yesterday mid day that did the damage.
- I sat in the parking lot eating, grateful that storm never reached the campground yesterday.
- I arrived at the Bunker Hills Campground in Minnesota about 4 hours north of my final destination at about 1:30. Temps in 70s and overcast.
- Check in wasn't until 3. I had to call a number to find out the registration office isn’t staffed until 2. I might be able to check in at 230 if the site is ready.
- So I made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and an apple for lunch waiting in the parking lot. I’m thinking salad for dinner with a pita.
- This is a very nice place and is a part of the county parks system. Very much like one of the state parks I have stayed in before.
- A little rain is predicted overnight while sleeping.
- The drive here was very nice. Through mostly vacant forested fields, bogs, over rivers and along lakes.
- Finally was able to check in to my site at 230. 15 minutes later this part of the state was under severe weather alert 🚨
- Rain, paper plate size rain drops and pea size hail. Sun is out now but alert goes til 10PM.
- Hatch window leaked. Just another reason to not go further west than Iowa. Got to get all this sorted out.

Off and on rain through the night
- Didn’t awaken until about 4. Could hear the drizzle on the roof. Lulled me back for another hour.
- Still dark, I put a pack together so that I could go up and use the shower early.
- Got all the way to the shower and undressed and realized I had forgotten my sandals. Looked at the shower floor and got dressed walked back to the truck and then back to the bathhouse.
- Pleasantly surprised that the shower had warm water.
- Back to the truck to lie down until at least the sun came up.
- Slept until 7. It wasn't raining so I got up and out to make some coffee and breakfast and then pack up before it started again.
- I finished up just before it started to rain and began my journey to Sac City, IA where a cousin and her husband have a farm.
- It was about a 4 hour drive south and west. Went south on Route 35 and then west on route 20 through some of the most beautiful farm country I have ever seen.
- Once in Iowa, it was farmland to the horizon, the view only broken by a farm house, water tower or wind turbine. It was like standing on the back shore of Peaks Island and looking out to sea only it wasn't water, it was freshly planted fields.
- Believe it or not as I went west the gas prices went down and at about 20 miles from my destination I was able to get gas at a "Flying J" rest area for $3.99/gallon. There doesn't seem to be any reason for gas pricing.
- Sally's cousin talked me in the last mile because of local street closures till I could see her standing and talking on her phone. So wonderful to see people that I haven't seen in so long.
- After a nice lunch I got to see their Aronia orchard. Aronia is also known as chokeberry. The berry can be processed into wines and jams.
- I then got to see some of their 200 acres of corn and soy beans which had just been planted. They practice a form of farming called no till. The two crops are alternated between fields and planted amongst the stalks remains left from the previous season.
- Such a beautiful wide open expanse.
- Dinner was wonderful. A complete meal of meat meatloaf, potatoes, corn and broccoli. And I didn't have to make it, even better.
The rest of my stay in Iowa was filled with a warm bed, cold nights, wonderful meals, walks and conversations. A truly timeless place. Couldn't have asked for a nicer place to put a bookmark in this adventure to continue another time. Have started to head east again lured by the desire to see more family and familiar places. On to see the "little women".
Aronia Orchard
As far as the eye can see
Emerging crop
The "Largest" popcorn ball
Still bitter feelings...