Sunday, March 28, 2021

Island Times 007

I posted a new Island Times yesterday. To prepare this video I spent most of the prior week trying out a host of new video techniques, some of which didn't actually make it into this particular post. I had way more content than would fit in a 10 minute video.  Quite a lot to learn about making quality video content to come up with a watchable post. I will make use if the unused content next week....maybe.

Birds and Bikes. I recently purchased a GoPro mount for my bicycle. I had heard about how shaky video was, riding with a camera mounted to the bike frame or handle bars. Most YouTubers recommended using a body or helmet mount. Not something I was interested in using on a small island populated by "noticers". I did place my mount on the wrapped portion of the handle bars in hopes that the wrap would cushion some of the vibrations. I was pretty pleased, for the most part, with how stable the footage turned out. All of what is in IT 007 is not stabilized. I also learned how to do some "speed ramping" in Final Cut, changing the speed of the playback. Quite a powerful tool.

I also put the GoPro into my bird feeder and filmed at 2.7K @ 60fps. Settings I wished I had used on my bike ride. At 60 fps your ability to apply slow motion FX achieves much better results. I got some interesting shots from the feeder and was able to find out which bird was the neighborhood bully. Enjoy!